Privacy Policy
Effective date: 10 January 2024
Webstudio Private Limited Zimbabwe (hereafter referred to as “Webstudio”), develops and operates an online healthcare platform for healthcare service providers to manage their services and engage with their patients, hereafter referred to as the ‘YoPractice’. “We”, “our” and “us” currently refers to Webstudio in the terms defined below.
This Privacy Policy is between Webstudio and its Customers using its Virtual Practice product. It also applies to the Authorized Users in such Virtual Practices, all user types hereafter referred to as “you” or collectively as “users”.
Customer healthcare service providers having a Virtual Practice on the YoPractice Platform Service, can have their Team Users (employees and/or associates) and Patients Users log in to and use their Virtual Practice through appropriate interfaces using Authorized User accounts. All data created by users in a Virtual Practice, is owned by the Customer. This privacy policy covers all data generated collectively by these Customers and Authorized Users.
Your privacy is very important to us. This Privacy Policy describes how we handle and secure the personal information and data that you provide to us through our website and YoPractice. By using our website, platform apps and services, you agree to be bound by the terms of this policy. This policy is part of our Terms of Use.
Collected and Received Data
Webstudio receives and collects the following type of data or information.
Customer Data
Data in a Virtual Practice can be added or created by Authorized Users in the Virtual Practice, whether they be Team users (healthcare service providers, administrative users) or Patient users. This data belongs to the Customer.
•    Personal information includes name, email address and/or phone number used to create Authorized User accounts. It also includes other personally identifiable information that users may choose to add to their user account profile.
•    Personal health information that patient users and/or healthcare providers who are Authorized Users of the Virtual Practice enter into the Personal Health Record of a patient. This includes data that is entered manually and/or by syncing with a health monitoring device or from a third party source that users alone authorize. It also includes files that users choose to upload.
Administrative information about the services provided to Patient Users in the Virtual Practice.
Other Data
•    Virtual Practice Account Info: Information that the Customer provides to Webstudio at the time of setting up their Virtual Practice account. This also includes information required for subscription and billing of the account. Webstudio does not store the Customer’s credit card or other payment method information.
•    Operations Info: In order to enhance your platform usage experience, Webstudio uses cookies, logs and analytics to enable certain functionality, improve services and monitor service usage. Information about browser, device, location, IP address, language settings, date and time of use may be captured in logs. These mechanisms are used to help diagnose issues and preferences which help us to evolve the services. Our authorized third-party partners also may receive and log such non-personally identifiable information related to your online service usage as part of supporting platform services.
•    Third Party Services: The Customer may choose to configure and use certain Third Party Services within their Virtual Practice. This is optional and entirely upto the Customer. For instance the Customer may configure a third party payment gateway to accept payments through that gateway for services rendered to Patient users through the Virtual Practice. In this case the Customer is authorizing the YoPractice to receive certain configuration and operational information relevant to the integration with the third party service. Customers should check the terms of use, privacy policy and usage settings in these Third Party Services. Webstudio does not receive or store any passwords for such third-party services accounts.
•    Additional Information: You may also provide other information to Webstudio through support channels.
Note: With regard to the definition of data controller and data processor, as defined by Data Protection, the Customer is the data controller of Customer Data and Webstudio is the data processor. Webstudio is the data controller of Other Data, as defined above.
Use of Information
Customer Data
The Customer is the owner and controller of the Customer Data, which is processed by Webstudio as per the configuration settings and instructions of the Customer. The Customer alone decides which Authorized Users to create and terminate; and what access such Authorized Users have to add, update, delete, export or share the data. The Customer defines the policies, practices and usage terms for Authorized Users of the Virtual Practice and it is the sole responsibility of the Customer to enforce that. A Customer can terminate Authorized Patient User accounts at any time and such Patients will no longer have further access to their personal health information in event of that happening. Whether or not to share that information with the Patient User before termination of the Patient User account is the prerogative of the Customer only.
Other Data
Other information and data provided to Webstudio is used as follows:
•    Payment Information: A Customer making a subscription payment for the Virtual Practice will be providing our secure third party payment providers with access to information on your payment method and billing address details at the time of your making online payments. Webstudio does not store your credit card details nor that of any other online payment methods you may choose to use.
•    Contact Information: The services platform will send you automated system communications (email and other notifications), as per your notification settings, as part of essential functioning of services that you may avail. Your contact information may also be used for customer support services, should you choose to avail of them. In addition, we may use your contact information to provide you with information about, our products and services. If you decide at any time that you no longer wish to receive such information or communications from us, please follow the unsubscribe instructions provided in any of the communications. Your identifiable contact information is not shared with any third-party service.
•    Anonymized data: Webstudio may analyze anonymized and aggregated collected through the services, for purposes of issue diagnostics, security assessment and monitoring, evaluating usage trends and requirement patterns and to measure the effectiveness of services and content. Such anonymized and aggregated information is not considered as personal information.
Disclosure of Information
We may disclose any information to government or law enforcement officials if we believe doing so is required to comply with law enforcement and legal process; to prevent or stop any illegal, unethical, or legally actionable activity; to protect your, our or others rights and safety.
Customers determine their own policies and practices for the sharing and disclosure of their own Customer Data and this is expected to be compliance with legal requirements. Webstudio will disclose Customer Data only as per the request and instructions of the Customer, whether as defined in terms of the service configuration that they apply in use of the Virtual Practice or by direct requests. Disclosure of Customer Data to Authorized Users of the Customer’s Virtual Practice is determined by the Customer, while creating and configuring such Authorized User accounts. The Customer may also be able to request and view usage information of Authorized Users in the Customer’s Virtual Practice. All Webstudio employees are bound by strict privacy policies and do not have access to Customer Data.
Sub-Processors: Webstudio may utilize third party services to sub-process Other Information and support our business by providing hosting, storage, communications, webRTC and analytics services.
Third Party Services: Customers opting to configure certain third party services with their Virtual Practice, should check the privacy policy and settings of such services and should understand what data may be shared between such authorized services and Webstudio, relevant to the integrated functioning expected.
If Webstudio becomes involved in a merger, acquisition, or any form of sale of some or all of its assets, Other Information will be transferred to the new entity for the continued performance of service, subject to standard confidentiality agreements.
Data Retention
Webstudio will retain Customer Data for as long as the Customer has an active Virtual Practice account on the YoPractice. While operating an active Virtual Practice account, the Customer controls how this data is retained or deleted, using features and settings in the Virtual Practice. Deletion of Authorized User accounts in a Customer’s Virtual Practice are solely the responsibility of the Customer, Webstudio does however reserve the right to deactivate or delete accounts of any user on the platform found to be in violation of our Terms of Use. On receiving a request to delete a Virtual Practice account, Webstudio will delete the Virtual Practice account and all associated data. The deletion of Customer Data may result in the deletion and/or anonymization of associated Other Data. Webstudio may retain such anonymized Other Data even after the Customer has deactivated their account if it is required to comply with legal obligations, for audits and for legitimate business needs.
Cookie Policy
Webstudio uses cookies (both session-based and persistent cookies) and similar technologies like single-pixel gifs, on the domains operated by Webstudio for its YoPractice and website. We also use third party cookies of Google Analytics on our website.
We also use cookies in our website and Platform Services to save user preferences, preserve session settings, help auto-authentication of frequently used services if required by your settings, for certain marketing campaigns and to enable improved understanding of your feature and usage requirements and patterns. You may use browser settings to disable cookies when using our web services, however it may result in the features and services of the applications not functioning properly.
Webstudio does not collect personal information about online activities of our Customers or visitors to our website across third-party websites or other online services. Do-no-track signals transmitted from web browsers, therefore do not apply to our Platform Services or website. It is important to note that most browsers allow you to disallow cookies from sites that you do not trust.
Transmission and Storage Security
All data is stored only in our secure cloud infrastructure platform. We take all necessary measures in providing secure transmission of personal health information before it is transferred across the Internet from your personal computer or devices to our servers and in securing such personal information stored on our systems. However, you should be aware of possible risk involved in transmitting information over the Internet as no data transmission can be guaranteed to be 100% secure and of risk that others could find a way to thwart our security systems. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security and privacy of personal information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk.
Restriction on the basis of age
All users of the YoPractice are expected to be above 18 years of age. Customers are to ensure that only parents or authorized guardians of minors are allowed to operate Authorized Patient User accounts on their behalf. Any Authorized User providing, storing or submitting information on behalf of a child/person under guardianship assumes full responsibility over the submission, use, and transmission of such information.
If you believe that any Authorized User in a Virtual Practice is younger than the permitted age, immediately contact the Customer operating that Virtual Practice. If notified directly of such a violation of our Terms of Use, we will promptly delete the concerned user account and data.
Your Rights
Users, have certain statutory rights with regard to their personal data as defined by the General Data Protection Regulation. You have the right to seek to request access to your personal data, delete or update it. The Platform Service features and settings support this to some extent. If you cannot use the service features to do this, please contact our support desk for help. In the case of Authorized Users of a Customer Virtual Practice, it is important to directly contact the Customer for such support including objection to processing of your data, as the Customer is the data controller of Customer Data. Based on its legitimate interests and compliance requirements, Webstudio may process Other Data that includes user data for legitimate purposes.
Links to Other Websites
Our website may contain links to other websites. The fact that we link to a website is not an endorsement, authorization or representation of our affiliation with that third party. We do not exercise control over third party websites. These other websites may place their own cookies or other files on your computer, collect data or solicit personally identifiable information from you. Other sites follow different rules regarding the use or disclosure of the personally identifiable information you submit to them. We encourage you to read the privacy policies or statements of the other websites you visit.
Changes to this Policy
Please note that this Privacy Policy may change from time to time as we continue to offer evolve our services. In the event of any changes in our Privacy Policy, the updated version will be posted on the Webstudio website and take effect from the moment of posting.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please email us at

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